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  1. 2022年10月17日 · Farewell letter and email examples to say goodbye to coworkers, tips for the best way to say goodbye, and how to keep in touch with colleagues.

  2. 2021年10月22日 · Q:離職信和離職感謝函(farewell letter)不一樣嗎? A: 離職信通常是用於和公司、合作對象告知離職時間、交接對象等,寄送時間通常是離職預告期之前寄出。

  3. 2020年8月10日 · Sample 1. Email Subject: Thank you and Goodbye. Dear all, Sad to tell you that I am leaving the company today. I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the (past 3 years). Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same.

  4. 2024年2月20日 · 1. 事前先向僱主確認已通知其他同事. 向同事送出您的電郵之前,最好事先向僱主確認,他是否已通知相關同事您 離職的計劃 。 在僱主仍未向外宣佈您將即將離職的消息之前,最好不要發送farewell email。 直至您確認同事已經知悉,才發電郵,做法會更恰當。 否則,可能會令部份同事感到不明所以,惹來不必要猜測。 2. 應該在什麼時候與團隊談及離職一事? 一旦獲得僱主或上司確認離職的日期,您就可以通知您的團隊了。 一般來說,公司需要安排交接,讓新同事接替您的職務,所以盡量不要在最後一天才通知團隊成員。 此外,有些同事可能會因為您遲遲不告知他們,而認為您不夠信任他們,結果產生負面情緒。 相反,向太多人宣布離職的消息,又可能會打擊士氣,若本身公司流失率高,更可能會惹來僱主不滿。

  5. 2020年7月26日 · Contents [ hide] 1 Farewell Letters. 2 What to include in the letter? 3 How do you say goodbye? 4 Goodbye Letters. 5 To whom do you send the letter? 6 How to write a farewell letter to co-workers? 7 Farewell Letters To Boss. 8 How to write a farewell letter to boss who is leaving?

  6. 2022年12月24日 · 員工離職的原因百百種,雖然和同事道別很難,但如何向同事、老闆、朋友發送離職信?. 離職信(Goodbye Email)怎麼寫才禮貌又不失專業?. 為何要寫離職信?. 寫離職信有什麼好處、該寄給誰?. 正式離職前,先懂得為自己留下完美的身影:. 正式離職前 ...

  7. A farewell letter or email is often written to colleagues, clients, or a boss when you are leaving the company for a new job or retiring. It is an excellent way of thanking your colleagues and bosses for their support. The main thought behind writing such a letter or email is to express your gratitude to your colleagues and bosses.

  8. 2019年1月26日 · 當你即將離職時無論理由是跳槽轉行或到海外留學向同事致以感謝函Farewell Letter)不但讓你在他們心目中留下良好印象,還可以拓展人際網絡,或會對日後的事業發展帶來莫大幫助。如何撰寫恰當得體的感謝函?不妨參考以下一些小貼士。

  9. Advertisements. A farewell letter or email is a message sent to friends, relatives, neighbors, clients, employers, colleagues, or employees informing them that you will be leaving and moving on to a new job, home, or location. The intent is to alert them to your departure, commemorate the time you spent together, and promote future contact.

  10. 2024年2月21日 · Farewell letter templates. If you decide to send your letter through email, here are three versions of farewell email letters to provide a starting point for writing your personalised email to your colleagues. Feel free to add any specific messages that are important and relevant to your situation.

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