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  1. 2024年2月20日 · 1. 事前先向僱主確認已通知其他同事. 向同事送出您的電郵之前,最好事先向僱主確認,他是否已通知相關同事您 離職的計劃 。 在僱主仍未向外宣佈您將即將離職的消息之前,最好不要發送farewell email。 直至您確認同事已經知悉,才發電郵,做法會更恰當。 否則,可能會令部份同事感到不明所以,惹來不必要猜測。 2. 應該在什麼時候與團隊談及離職一事? 一旦獲得僱主或上司確認離職的日期,您就可以通知您的團隊了。 一般來說,公司需要安排交接,讓新同事接替您的職務,所以盡量不要在最後一天才通知團隊成員。 此外,有些同事可能會因為您遲遲不告知他們,而認為您不夠信任他們,結果產生負面情緒。 相反,向太多人宣布離職的消息,又可能會打擊士氣,若本身公司流失率高,更可能會惹來僱主不滿。

  2. 2024年2月21日 · Farewell letter templates. If you decide to send your letter through email, here are three versions of farewell email letters to provide a starting point for writing your personalised email to your colleagues. Feel free to add any specific messages that are important and relevant to your situation.

  3. A farewell letter or email is often written to colleagues, clients, or a boss when you are leaving the company for a new job or retiring. It is an excellent way of thanking your colleagues and bosses for their support. The main thought behind writing such a letter or email is to express your gratitude to your colleagues and bosses.

  4. 2018年2月26日 · 感激上司,不用過分不好意思! (視覺中國) 相見時難別亦難,在現職公司離開前,少不了要向同事感謝和道別,有些熟稔的同事或許更希望保持聯絡。 很多人未必懂得寫一封得體大方的Farewell email,從今日起,別再Copy那封萬年Thank you email,學習為不同的人致上謝意吧! 給予直屬上司. 給直屬上司的Farewell email,緊記表達你的感謝,並希望日後與他們繼續聯繫。 你可以嘗試加入以下的句子:

  5. A farewell letter is a formal or semi-formal message informing the reader that you will be leaving and inviting them to maintain contact with you. It is your chance to commemorate your time with them, leave a lasting impression, and preserve old relationships. Are you or someone you love or work with leaving for a new opportunity soon?

  6. 不少打工仔離職時都花好多心思去預備散水餅給同事,但其實寫一封得體的farewell letter(離職道別信)同樣重要。 正所謂「好來好去」,對即將變成「前度」的同事表達感謝和祝福,絕對不會多此一舉......

  7. 2022年5月11日 · Review advice on who should receive a farewell letter or email, the best way to explain that you're moving on, and examples of letters and emails saying goodbye to colleagues you'll no longer be working with.

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